Thursday, May 14, 2020

Comparative Analysis Of Stanley Milgrams The Perils Of...

Comparative Analysis The purpose of Stanley Milgram writing his â€Å"The Perils of Obedience,† is to show to what extent an individual would contradict his/her moral convictions because of the orders of an authority figure (Milgram 78). He constructed an experiment wherein an experimenter instructs a naà ¯ve subject to inflict a series of shocks of increasing voltage on a protesting actor. Contrary to Milgram’s expectations, about sixty percent of the subjects administered the highest voltage shock. (Milgram 80). According to Milgram, experiment variations disproved the theory that the subjects were sadists. (Milgram 85). Milgram states that although the subjects are against their actions, they desire to please the experimenter, and they often†¦show more content†¦Miles Hewstone, who earned his PhD in social psychology from the University of Oxford, would concur, stating, â€Å"This evidence tends to rule out†¦ the possibility that participants were sadists† (Hewstone 267). Milgram links these ordinary people to the soldiers and Nazi officials who carried out the Holocaust. Although this argument has partial merit, Milgram’s ineffectiveness, is tied to his failure to address the differences between the two groups. Baumrind effectively addresses this gap in Milgram’s logic; she states that the German soldier or SS officer had, unlike the subjects in Milgram’s experiment, no reason to believe that their superiors or authority figures were â€Å"benignly disposed towards himself or their victims† (Baumrind 93). Not only was the relation between the authority and the subject different, but the relation between the subject and the â€Å"victim† was as well. In Milgram’s experiment, the learner was an equal to the subject, while in Nazi Germany, the victims were viewed by the soldiers as sub-human. Baumrind accurately suggests that these altered relationships removed any of the guilt felt by Milgram’s s ubjects from the conscience of the German soldiers. Thomas Blass, who was an American social psychologist, Holocaust survivor, and author of the first published biography of Milgram, would add to Baumrind’s stance, stating, â€Å"Milgram’s approach does not provide aShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Book A Few Good Men By Solomon E. Asch1540 Words   |  7 PagesComparative Analysis The foundation of today’s society is not in immense chaos or destruction, but rather in an organizational order because of the choice in obedience. As depicted in the movie, â€Å"A Few Good Men†, obedience is questioned due to soldiers choosing to obey or not when it presents the case of Lance Cpl. Harold Dawson and Pfc. Louden Downey being disciplined for committing a crime, even if they were only following orders. Eric Fromm, a social psychologist and psychoanalyst, furthers pointsRead MoreComparative Analysis a Few Good Men Essay1591 Words   |  7 PagesComparative Analysis: A Few Good Men â€Å"You dont need a patch on your arm to have honor.† Lt. 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